Shelly Flagel
Dr. Shelly Flagel is an expert in the intricate fields of neuroscience and psychology, holding esteemed positions as a professor of psychiatry, a research professor at the Michigan Neuroscience Institute, and an adjunct professor of psychology at the University of Michigan. Her research is deeply rooted in exploring the genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors that contribute to individual differences in reward learning and susceptibility to mental illnesses, with a particular focus on addiction. Dr. Flagel's work is characterized by a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. She employs a variety of techniques, including behavioral, pharmacological, molecular, and chemogenetic methods, to delve into the neural mechanisms that drive motivated behaviors and addiction. This approach allows her to gain a holistic understanding of the factors that influence these complex behaviors. Her research is pivotal in shedding light on the neurobiological underpinnings of maladaptive behaviors. By identifying these underlying mechanisms, Dr. Flagel aims to uncover potential pharmacological targets that could be instrumental in developing treatments for addiction and other mental health disorders. Her work not only advances the scientific understanding of these conditions but also holds promise for improving therapeutic strategies. Dr. Flagel's contributions to the field are significant, as she seeks to bridge the gap between basic neuroscience and clinical applications. Her research is not only theoretical but also has practical implications, aiming to translate findings from animal studies into potential treatments for human conditions. This translational aspect of her work underscores her commitment to making a tangible impact on mental health care. In addition to her research, Dr. Flagel is dedicated to education and mentorship, guiding the next generation of scientists in the fields of neuroscience and psychology. Her role as an educator complements her research endeavors, as she inspires students to pursue innovative research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these critical areas. Overall, Dr. Shelly Flagel's work is at the forefront of neuroscience and psychology, offering valuable insights into the complexities of addiction and mental health. Her dedication to understanding the neural circuitry and behavioral aspects of these conditions positions her as a leading figure in the quest to improve mental health outcomes.
Research Interests
, 357-364, 2021-05-01
, ENEURO.0384-20.2021, 2021-03-17