Asaf Ferber
Professor at Health Services Research, Stanford University0 Followers
A strategic thinker in the application of mathematical principles, Asaf Ferber is a professor of mathematics at MIT. With a keen interest in exploring complex mathematical theories, he has made significant contributions to the field. During the 2018-2019 academic year, he expanded his academic horizons as a visiting professor at Stanford University. His time at Stanford allowed him to engage with diverse research communities and further enrich his academic pursuits. Known for his analytical approach and innovative problem-solving skills, Professor Ferber continues to inspire students and colleagues alike with his passion for mathematics.
8 - Packing and counting arbitrary Hamilton cycles in random digraphs,Random Structures & Algorithms
11 - Maternal race/ethnicity impacts the success rates of external cephalic version (ECV) in the United States,Journal of Perinatal Medicine
Samantha Gobioff , Yael Eliner , Erez Lenchner , Amos Grünebaum , Asaf Ferber , Frank A. Chervenak , Eran Bornstein ,
, 337-339, 2022-08-15
12 - A randomised comparison of early versus late amniotomy following cervical ripening with a Foley catheter,BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Roni Levy , Asaf Ferber , Alon Ben‐Arie , Beatrice Paz , Ynon Hazan , Isaac Blickstein , Zion J. Hagay ,
, 168-172, 2002-02-01
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