John Dantzler
With a focus on groundbreaking research, Dr. John Dantzler explores the complexities of substance abuse, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to his roles at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). As a Professor and Vice Chair for Addiction Programs in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology, Dr. Dantzler is committed to advancing the understanding and treatment of substance abuse disorders. Dr. Dantzler also serves as the Executive Director of Beacon Recovery and UAB Community Justice programs, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping and implementing treatment services for individuals struggling with addiction. His work is particularly focused on providing accessible care to uninsured and underinsured populations, ensuring that these vulnerable groups receive the support they need through Beacon Recovery's comprehensive outpatient programs. In addition to his academic and clinical responsibilities, Dr. Dantzler is actively involved in the oversight of specialty courts and community corrections programs for Jefferson County. His collaboration with the Alabama Department of Corrections highlights his dedication to integrating treatment and rehabilitation into the criminal justice system, aiming to reduce recidivism and promote recovery among offenders. Dr. Dantzler's research interests are deeply rooted in the field of substance abuse, where he seeks to uncover innovative approaches to treatment and prevention. His work not only contributes to the academic community but also has a tangible impact on the lives of those affected by addiction. Through his leadership and research, Dr. Dantzler continues to influence the field of addiction psychiatry, striving to improve outcomes for individuals and communities affected by substance abuse. His dedication to bridging the gap between research and practice underscores his commitment to fostering a more effective and compassionate approach to addiction treatment.
, 581-587, 2018-09-19